Geneva Literary Aid Society

GLAS Christmas gift of CHF 8,500 for Gaza

The spirit of last night’s GLAS Christmas concert was perfectly captured in the happy face of ex-UN staffer, Margaret Strang (below left) when she was surprised during Eoghan O’Sullivan’s set with a birthday cake to mark her 94th birthday. Eoghan led a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday which followed nicely on his efforts to encourage…

The Emigrants and Eoghan O’Sullivan – Christmas concert in aid of Gaza (09.12.2024)

‘Pity the nation’ – Support Gaza this Christmas The GLAS Christmas concert in the old town of Geneva is always a musical treat. Last year it was headlined by The Emigrants, an amazingly talented, multi-national ensemble playing a lively brand of traditional Irish music. Due to popular demand, we are bringing them back this December.…

Trad takes Geneva by storm

Jigs, reels and songs aplenty rang out in the old town of Geneva yesterday as GLAS welcomed a full house inside the hallowed walls of the Lutheran Evangelical Church on the Place Bourg de Four. The traditional Irish music trio Tulsk electrified the audience from the start. The interplay between Peter Molloy on flute, Sean…

The GLAS Hour – Meet the Author: Mohamedou Ould Slahi (21.04.2021)

Mohamedou Ould Slahi was imprisoned in Guantánamo Bay for 14 years, an innocent man held in a living hell courtesy of the United States as it prosecuted the so-called War on Terror. His gripping memoir, published as Guantánamo Diary, has been reissued as The Mauritanian with previously censored material restored. It coincides with a major film…

The GLAS Hour – Meet the Author: Mark Malloch-Brown (04.06.2020)

If there is one lesson that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown has learned in his years as a globe-trotting humanitarian and development specialist, it is that “democracy does not flow easily from the barrel of a foreigner’s gun.” An understandable sentiment from the man who founded the International Crisis Group and whose classic memoir The Unfinished Global…

The GLAS Hour – Meet the Author: Christine Dwyer Hickey (28.05.2020)

The librarians of Dublin, the city associated with so many great writers, celebrate one book every year – Dublin, One City, One Book. These have included James Joyce’s Dubliners, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Roddy’s Doyle’s Barrytown Trilogy, and Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Gray. This year they have chosen a modern day classic, Tatty by Christine Dwyer Hickey,…

The GLAS Hour – Meet the Author: James Shapiro (22.04.2020)

Shakespeare in a Divided America - James Shapiro

“Ultimately there rises the familiar suspicion that, for a country in love with the future, it’s always yesterday in America. Among all the fine words currently being spilled examining the American mess, James Shapiro has outshone many of our best political pundits with this superb contribution to the discourse. He upped the wattage simply by…

The GLAS Hour – Meet the Author: John McEntee (06.04.2020)

Anyone cocooned, marooned or feeling like some diversion can tune in to a conversation with one of Fleet Street’s finest foot soldiers next Monday. John McEntee’s devout mother once spent EUR 1,000 on having masses said in Catholic churches throughout Ireland for his salvation and the Hollywood actor Richard Harris sued him for libel following…